La Orotava - Tenerife: attractions, map, sightseeing and time travel to colonial times.

A walk along the streets of La Orotava can be a bit uphill.

Colonial city

There is probably no place where you can feel the spirit of colonial times better. La Orotava it is a city steeped in colonialism. The streets we walk slowly slowly look almost like a movie set, which will be banned from actors in the costumes of Spanish colonizers. The impression that time has not started here since the eighteenth century is irresistible. It is worth surrendering to this atmosphere and climate. It is worth to slow down like time who here do not want to take quick steps forward. It is worth allowing a slow walk ... although often a slow walk will force the street itself. The streets in this city sometimes rise so steeply that they could compete with the Bieszczady trails.
Don't explore La Orotava, walk her!
Walk and go wherever you like. Stop, sit down, drink coffee. Do not rush.
Waste some time here.

Location of La Orotava on the map of Tenerife.
La Orotava, Tenerife.

Casa de los Balcones and other colonial residences

The city is filled with perfectly preserved colonial residences from the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries. The House of Balconies is commonly considered the most interesting of them (Balcony House). From the outside, it doesn't make a great impression, but the soul is hidden inside. Make sure you go there.
Although I speak and write less about other residences, I must admit that each of them is impressive, especially when it is time to take a closer look, from the inside. And probably there is no point in mentioning them by name ... just walk and look. You will come across them for sure!

Casa de los Balcones, GPS coordinates:
28°23’18.0″N 16°31’33.2″W
28.388343, -16.525878 - click and route

La Orotava, Tenerife.

Victoria Gardens

When walking the streets of La Orotava, don't forget to visit Victoria Gardens. It's designed in the nineteenth century with an eclectic garden. Visitors are surprised by the unique orderliness and attention to the smallest details. The garden is formed in the shape of a stepped slope, with intertwining fountains and colorful flower rugs. From the top of the garden there is a unique view of the historic center of La Orotava.
Admission to the garden is free.

Victoria Gardens, GPS coordinates:
28°23’23.5″N 16°31’21.8″W
28.389870, -16.522717 - click and route

Hijuela del Botanico

This is a small botanical garden in the form of a fenced square. It is located just 100 m from Casa de los Balcones, and in it you can see up close and without crowds and even touch quite large sizes Dragon Tree : )

Hijuela del Botánico, GPS coordinates:
28°23’20.3″N 16°31’27.7″W
28.388973, -16.524369 - click and route

La Orotava - walking map

Below is a map with only four attractions in the city:
1. Casa de los Balcones
2. Constitution Square
3. Victoria Gardens
4. Hijuela del Botanico.

All others are between them. Walking between these points you will come across other interesting places in the city.
You can open the following walking route directly on Google Map (you can zoom, edit or just start in the phone navigation) by clicking on: link to the walking route around La Orotava - [click].

La Orotava - walking map
La Orotava, Tenerife.

Useful GPS coordinates

Parking P1 - La Orotawa - car park at Casa de los Balcones, GPS:
28°23’25.8″N 16°31’28.7″W
28.390495, -16.524630 - click and route

Parking P2 - La Orotawa - center parking, GPS:
28°23’18.0″N 16°31’35.3″W
28.388326, -16.526470 - click and route

Plaza de la Constitución, GPS:
28°23’26.6″N 16°31’23.5″W
28.390729, -16.523184 - click and route

Tenerife sightseeing plan

This entry is part of a complete one Tenerife sightseeing plan - [click]. The guide contains plans, maps and descriptions of specific sightseeing routes.
To see all currently available descriptions of attractions in Tenerife, click on the link: Tenerife.

Safe car rental guide: Car rental without credit card and deposit: Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote
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One comment on “La Orotava - Tenerife: attractions, map, sightseeing and time travel to colonial times."

  • o
    Direct link

    Thank you for this guide. Is fantastic. For someone like me who usually has short holidays, this is a great help. I can use the time to browse through guidebooks to go sightseeing.


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